More customers
Helping to solve your tasks
The increase in incoming flow of potential customers
Increase conversion - converting potential customers into actual
Increase in the number of returns and repeat purchases
Multichannel sales
Use a variety of channels for promotion. Shop windows and shops - just create, and on any sites. Use social shopping features. Create a system of online sales channels of a single interface.
Online services
Add realism to your sites. Implement attractive effects and "chips". Universal Virtual fitting for your site: You can measure almost everything! Model 3600 for products and offers. The booklets, which can turn like a book. Create interactive versions of materials (catalogs, brochures, presentations and brand book).
The selling widgets and triggers
The effective calls to action - active invitations and sell triggers. Use calls to action (Call to action). Lead Client stepping AIDA model (Attention - Interest - Desire - Action) and reduces the number of steps. Involve the user in a dialogue. Leads to the logical conclusion of the transaction, and the commission of the target action.
Online Merchandising Technologies
We help effectively introduce products. We draw attention to the shares. We emphasize competitive advantages. Implement marketing tools.
The number of your customers is growing every day!